Demons Within

Greg Miller, Author of Demons Within

Author and advocate for mental health and addiction awareness.
His first novel, Demons Within, is coming soon.


Demons Within

Demons Within is a fictional story that hits on the true madness of alcoholism and addiction. Written through the lens of a crime thriller, the storyline takes place in the Capitol region of New York State, and is an engrossing journey that features a series of exciting twists and turns. The protagonist, Bill Dillard, is a retired homicide detective who has struggled with alcoholism and addiction for the past two decades. His drinking destroyed his marriage, strained his relationships, and left him alone in the world. Yet after his ex-wife is found brutally murdered in a cabin in upstate New York, Bill finds himself thrust into the investigation, determined to uncover the truth. As the plot ramps up, Bill's disease brings him to the depths of despair, including his ultimate rock bottom, before finding the strength to pull himself up in order to solve the crime.

Blog Archive

All You Need Is Love

August 10th, 2023

Unconditional love is one of the most powerful and transformative forces in the universe. It is a love that is not based on conditions, expectations, or limitations, but rather on the pure and infinite essence of our being. This type of love is often described as a divine or spiritual love, and it has the power to heal, transform, and uplift both ourselves and others.

According to Deepak Chopra, unconditional love is the essence of our true nature. In his book "The Path to Love," Chopra explains that unconditional love is not something that we need to acquire or earn, but rather something that is already within us. He states, "Unconditional love is not something to be learned, it is our natural state of being. It is the essence of our being, the truth of who we are."

Chopra also explains that unconditional love is a love that is free from judgment and expectation. It is a love that allows us to see the true essence of others, beyond their flaws and imperfections. He states, "When we love unconditionally, we love without judgment. We see the essence of the person, not the personality."

Eckhart Tolle also speaks about the power of unconditional love in his writings. In his book "A New Earth," Tolle explains that unconditional love is the foundation of all true relationships. He states, "The foundation for a true relationship is always unconditional love. It is the essence of who we are, and it is the essence of all true relationships."

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Demons Within Podcast

Episode 14
Episode 13
Episode 12
"8 Dimensions of Well Being"
Episode 11
Episode 10
Episode 9
"Anger and Resentment"
Episode 8
"Letting Go"
Episode 7
"Importance of Routine"
Episode 6
"Relationships, Ego, and Alcohol"
Episode 5
Episode 4
"Dogs and Brains"
Episode 3
"This moment"
Episode 2
"Contemplating Death"
Episode 1
"Demons Within"

The Mill P Writes Newshour

Episode 6
Episode 5
Episode 4
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1


Greg Miller is a passionate writer and content creator dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those facing mental illness, alcoholism, and substance use disorders. With a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from SUNY Oneonta and an Addictions Counselor certification from UMass Boston, Miller uses his creative talents to educate and entertain, shedding light on issues affecting marginalized individuals in society. As a recovering alcoholic, Miller's personal journey has given him the insight and understanding to depict mental illness and addiction in his debut novel, Demons Within.

Based in Albany, New York, Miller spends his free time with friends and family, playing piano, working out and perfecting his golf game.